so here is a mediterranean doric column covered with boreal forest lichens. my two favorite regions on earth in one image.
lichen covered limb
rice creek regional trail, saint paul, minnesota

today when i went out for my daily walk, i had it in mind that i would look for something, anything, green. it has been a long run of brown twigs and seed pods. well, i found some green on my walk, some interesting lichens on a very old branch. which i will share with you tomorrow. because, after i got home, i saw that my intrepid little fig tree tucked away in the corner of my dining room had some brand new limey-green leaves catching the afternoon sun. green was under my nose the whole time.
fig tree, new growth
saint paul, minnesota
Beautiful : )

i am working on some product concepts with a friend. these wooden discs are some of our sample materials. i cut them myself. once they dry, they will be painted bright colors like light blue and turquoise to complement the wood. but i like this composition so much as is that i may need to make a shadow box like it.
mountain ash limb
saint paul, minnesota
i have a great fondness for wood slices
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what a beutifull image!! I work with furniture design all may life, and I played sometimes with the materials too.! Now, I’m doing a blog to a Design School. May I use it? Do I have the permission? thank you very much

i borrowed this from the neighbor’s yard. by this time of winter the sumac drupes can start looking pretty banged up and dirty. but this one still looked bright and cheery. so i borrowed it. okay, i stole it.
fruit of the staghorn sumac
saint paul, minnesota
this is remarkably bright for this time of year. I have done some natural dyeing with sumac with incredible results.

i have been invited to contribute to two art shows in minneapolis, which has me rummaging through my collections trying to match specimens to photos. this is the aftermath of an attempt to hollow out a couple dozen quail eggs this afternoon. a fun distraction while we wait for the snow to melt.
quail eggs
saint paul, minnesota