signs of spring (4 of 6)
New-growth green is best expressed in comparison to the deeper greens of summer. Can you tell I am Rothko fan?
new and old balsam needles

signs of spring (3 of 6)
Happy vernal equinox everyone! The equinox is early this year–more often it falls on the 20th or 21st. On this day we get 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness. I love the symmetry.
violets, elm samaras, spruce tips

signs of spring (2 of 6)
Is there a more triumphant sign of spring than the crocus? Look at those arms thrown wide open, embracing the sun! We planted 100 crocuses last fall. We are awaiting the rains the help them take off. BBut those of you lucky enough to have south-facing lots are already enjoying crocus season. One of the best seasons of the year.
I could not agree more! The earliest bulbs give such an incredible lift to the winter-weary soul, all out of proportion to their size and longevity. A single bulb multiplies quickly into a charming little bouquet in just a couple years. I have hundreds in my garden beds and a good many scattered in the grass. First come the snow crocuses, followed by the large Dutch crocuses, extending the season. And the squirrels move them around, so they show up in unexpected places, which is always a surprise. It’s joyous! I hope yours do well!

signs of spring (1 of 6)
Daylilies are sprouting. Hosta is pushing up. Lily of the valley is visible. You have to look for it, but signs of new growth are everywhere.
I will be in California this week. I am giving a STILL Workshop in Piedmont on Wednesday, and am going a few days early to visit my daughter, Eva, who lives in San Francisco. I have queued up selection of spring images for the week. It is hard for me to leave here this week as the everything is just now emerging, and it all happens so fast. But I am hoping to come home from CA with a bag full of new-to-me nature bits. A small consolation for missing one of the most fleeting transitions weeks of our year.
daylily leaves in spring

everybody loves the bunnies
Most often when I walk I am full of wonder and joy at what I see. But every now and then I am reminded of the finitude of life, and that each day there are those who get dinner, and those who are dinner. This cottontail rabbit was someones dinner last night. Some raptor when to bed with a full belly last night. I love the hawk, I love the owls, and I love the rabbits. But I love the rabbits just a little bit more.
eastern cottontail rabbit fur (Sylvilagus floridanus)