
the days are getting blustery. the deer and wood ducks are browsing on fallen acorns. the walnuts trees are dropping walnuts, and the apple trees are dropping apples. it is no longer possible to pretend that winter isn’t on its way. but millions of tiny goats beard parachutes landed in millions of fields and alleys and ditches last summer, where they are waiting to turn into millions of yellow goats beard flowers next summer. amen.

goats beard seed

saint paul, minnesota

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the shades between shades

before falling, these milkweed leaves arrived at colors that are almost defined by what they are not. not quite green. not quite yellow. not quite brown. not quite orange. apricot? avocado? ochre? they look almost tropical for minnesota. i love their banana-leaf sheen and their fish-skeleton ribs and spines.


saint paul, minnesota



  • Ellen says:

    I’ve loved every one of your fall foliage photos.


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