hidden strength

this winter stem, so apparently frail and ghostly, was actually six feet tall, and appeared to be shedding the biting winter wind with panache. i fell in love with its wispy beauty hiding such inner strength–the katherine hepburn of trailside minnesota weeds.

unidentified weed with just a hint of some shredded seed pods that look like siliques, but i can’t be sure.

snail lake regional park, saint paul, mn

  • margie says:


  • LW says:

    she is strong.


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looking at several more days of teens and twenties below zero. school keeps getting canceled. getting in the car for groceries is more of an adventure than it should be. our usual orderly winter routine has been swirling down the drain.

an arrangement of colorado blue spruce needles

lino lakes, minnesota

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a winter reprieve

what crazy weather we are experiencing.  three days off of school already due to extreme cold, and two more likely next week. only one other time in recorded history have we had temps this consistently low. but suddenly, today  we warmed up to 32F/0C for one glorious afternoon. warm enough to get outside for a long walk with the dog. warm enough to let the chickens outside most of the day. tomorrow, it’s back into the deep freeze.

a collection of winter leaves

rice creek regional trail, saint paul, minnesota

  • Traci says:

    Yes, my family in Minnesota is needing winter to be over. Stay safe and warm!


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heavy burden

in addition to balancing all this snow, this twig has had to endure extreme arctic temperatures this winter.  i am not a worrier by nature, but this weather has me starting to fret. about our bees, our chickens, the birds at our bird feeder, the buds on this branch,  and all the other branches.  and of course the water in our pipes.

snow laden twig

along my driveway, saint paul, minnesota

  • margie says:

    i am always a little worried about my pipes since it had one freeze and burst a few years back. So far so good , I just keep a tap dripping in the downstairs bathroom

  • Traci says:

    Wow, this one is so beautiful. I’m currently visiting my family in West-Central Minnesota and it is COLD! The sky is grey, the snow is everywhere, and it’s hard to enjoy the small details that make winter actually beautiful, and full of strength. I’m loving this one.

    • I am glad you liked it! It sure has been a tough winter here. As we Minnesotans like to say “it’s real cold.”
      But beautiful in in it’s own way.
      Mary Jo


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dangling haystacks

it’s that time of year when we often wake up to light dustings of snow. by mid-morning the wind has picked up just enough to send it all cascading. this morning on the way to my son’s school, i was lucky enough to catch this dusted white pine along my driveway, with its bundles of needles weighted down into the shapes of old-fashioned haystacks. by the time i returned it has shaken itself clean like a dog.

frosted white pine fascicles

saint paul, minnesota

  • margie says:

    you can capture the best things in the early hours of the day


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