heraldry for noncombattants

we find ourselves surrounded by shields and seals and symbols and badges and coats of arms here in this place that was already culturally middle-aged by the middle ages, and where war was a nearly constant thing for centuries. i decided to design my own rather more peace-loving coat of arms this afternoon. the shield of the distracted wanderer. designed to strike fear into the heart of not a single sword wielding enemy.

an arrangement with items from this weeks’ outings: the feathery dark green leaves are mimosa tree leaves, the large green thistle head in the center is wild teasel

hérault, languedoc, france

  • Ellen says:

    Love it.

  • margie says:

    my kind of beautiful


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very serious business

there was a determined knock on our door. our beloved next door neighbors Jean-Luc and Nicole had decided that i needed to see something. their cactus, which is probably as old as my children (as conscientious farmers, they are constitutionally unable to let any plant die) was about to bloom, and they felt it was a proper subject for still blog. of course, i agree.

night -blooming cereus cacti

autignac, france

  • chiara says:

    How beautiful and dramatic!

  • Tracy Klinesteker says:

    Beautiful and delicate. The colors are amazing.


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un cadeau

yet another treasure from our next door neighbors’ orchard. i have evolved in two years from never having heard of greengages, to being slightly obsessed by them.

prunes reine claude (greengages)

autignac, france

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from a cold dry region to a hot dry region

i just left behind a region where everything is dry and brown all winter, in order to spend july in a region where most things are dry and brown all summer. what gives?

assemblage of dry things

autignac, france


  • Tracy Klinesteker says:

    You should switch your timings around.

    • Ha! Great idea, if not for that pesky little thing called earning-a-living :)

  • Tracy Klinesteker says:

    Yes, pesky it is isn’t it. Darn it.
    Found that all things aren’t dry and brown everywhere though, huh? Is like that in LA in the summer as well. But you can still find green and wet if you know where to look.


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