i feel you, hosta. we’re all crisping at the edges right about now. i’ve tried chapstick and burt’s bees. they don’t really work. you pretty much just have to wait for spring.
hosta leaves in october
saint paul, minnesota

these pastels that look like new growth are the autumn pastels of fading greens and shaded reds. sort of like a day spent dating your 49 going on 50 year old husband and still seeing the 23 year old you married. something like that.
shaded burning bush branches in october
saint paul, minnesota
such sweetness

hey joe, what does this look like? “i think it looks like one of those like mythical boomerang things that you like wear on your wrist and throw like a frisbee. I think it’s called a chakram.” actually, joe, i just looked it up, and the chakram is more like 12-30 centimeters, but the like boomerang thing you wear on your wrist is called a chakri. and apparently, i need to expand my frame of reference, because i was going to talk about infinity and the seasons, but a chakri is just so, so much more interesting. thank you for being joe.
(unidentified) october leaves
saint paul, minnesota
kind of love this
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I’m hoping tomorrow’s image will be this one with the addition of another, smaller circle in the middle. Making it look for all the world like a bulls-eye. Or maybe a target? But I may be totally off the mark.
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I think the leaves are from Smoke bush Cotinus coggygria

what i like about this plant are the contradictions in what looks to be a sweet, unassuming, nondescript bit of understory. i like how you can see it growing in both directions, up toward the nutrients of the sun, and down into the nutrients of the earth. i like the smooth, simple leaves, compared to the complicated filaments of the roots. but mostly i like the assertive little thorns. don’t mess with me, they’re saying. there’s more to me than meets the eye.
unidentified trailside weed
vadnais lake trail, saint paul, minnesota