eva, tell me something interesting to say about this photo. no, i’m too tired. eva, anything. well, that right there is pretty neat. and so is that. there, can i be done?
seedpod of a wild cucumber vine
vadnais lake trail, saint paul, minnesota

today we had what the meteorologists call a “wintry mix,” which is a deceptively winsome term for an onslaught of rain, sleet, and snow, that slaps down relentlessly from windy, subfreezing skies, and chills the human body deep into the marrow. yesterday we had caribbean colored maple leaves in our back yard. tomorrow the trees will be siberian gray silhouettes. goodbye fall. and, in the words of jerry seinfeld to his nemesis, newman, “hello . . . WINTER.”
white oak leaves with rain droplets
saint paul, minnesota
the wind and rain has brought almost all the leaves down and i look forward to morning frost and snow
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Dear Mary jo: Words cannot express how elegant, simple and beautiful your photographs are! Thank you so much for sharing. You have inspired me like no one else ever has. God bless you as you continue to share your gift with the world.
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Beautiful! While they are red colored, they are actually white oak leaves. Hard to know what you meant!

i showed steve four variations on red october leaves tonight, having already concluded that the “hunt for red october” had failed this afternoon, and now it was too late and too dark to re-shoot, on a day when my inventory of possible still blog stand-ins was at or near zero. honey, said steve, on a daily blog, you get to just be good sometimes, and on the days you are good, that means you don’t need to be spectacular. so there you have it. good, but not spectacular. the leaves are turning red, it’s football season, it’s fourth-and-inches, and i’m punting.
collection of red october leaves
arden hills, minnesota

i guess i will be happy if my two kids associate the word “egg” not with something inescapably white in a refrigerator case, but with something more like art–interpreting a basic form loosely, and using colors from the Pantone catalog.
egg collection

it is now late fall, and in theory a lot fewer insects should be finding their way into our house than in summer, when almost all of our doors and windows are open almost all of the time. but we do have a puggle who insists on regular and unobstructed access to the outdoors (when he is not grumbling about the fleece blanket’s ability to provide perfect comfort and temperature control), and we have five chickens who feel that the interior of the house should be as accessible to them as the yard. so i guess i shouldn’t have been surprised to find these moths on my window sills and patio door thresholds today, despite the nearness of november.
dead moths (possibly common gray moths)
saint paul, minnesota
So nice !!! Greetings from Austria, helga
This is so intricate and beautiful. Great photo.