the edges of owl feathers are soft and ragged like raveled fabric. the air spills from them silently in flight. what is the last thing the mouse hears? nothing.
great horned owl blood feather
ely, minnesota

sea glass takes 20 to 30 years, and sometimes as much as 50 years, to acquire its characteristic texture and shape. i’ve always loved it and now i love it more.
sea glass and beach glass
lake superior, the gulf of mexico, and the mediterranean
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STILL blog can’t really handle white on white. but it can handle white on russet on white. it’s always fun when the first snow corresponds with thanksgiving. the symbolic end of fall and the symbolic start of winter both occurring on the same day, as they did here. hope you all had a happy thanksgiving, or at least a happy november 26 while we americans ate ourselves into a coma.
snow covered oak leaves
saint paul, minnesota

i am embarrassed that it took STILL blog to teach me that most plants set their buds for spring well before the arrival of the previous winter. i sort of like the idea. get in a spring mood. clench tight. and wait for the warm weather. i could do that. actually, i sort of already do.
unidentified november twigs
minneapolis, minneosta
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I took my first knitting class with a master gardener. This was years ago. It was a spring that bloomed then got dumped on with snow and cold air. I asked about those buds on our elm tree that I had just noticed was full of buds. Oh no, I thought. Poor tree! I asked my knitting teacher/master gardener if the tree would be OK. She said nothing and looked at me hard and weird. Because of course, those buds had already made it through the cold winter. I’m there with you on this one. I didn’t know that they bud so early.