better than you doin’ you
because i am the mother of a 14 year old, i have the lyrics of hip-hop songs by childish gambino running through my head for the past few weeks, after having the lyrics of kendrick lamar songs running through my head most of this summer. as a result, i saw this cheeky, nonconformist dandelion and the words came, unbidden into my head: “don’t be mad cause i’m doin’ me better than you doin’ you.” you go do you, dandelion.
spent dandelion stem

when is it done?
one of the biggest questions that comes up when trying to compose an image is “when is it done?” is that just exactly the right arrangement of just the right number of just the right kinds of elements? sometimes i know right away. sometimes i play for an hour and still don’t know. this one works for me, but without that little arc of dried grass stem, i don’t know. i might have had another hour ahead of me.
assorted dried botanicals

after 24 hours of traveling, i went to bed in iceland for the first time last night, and the sun was apparently so happy to see me that it wouldn’t go away until almost midnight. i’m a little droopy today as a result. i love you too, icelandic sun, but i think we need to take a break from each other. maybe you can just text me tomorrow night.
common weed (quack grass)
The word “droopy” made me smile every time I read it. And I love the image, as well. Beautiful, and unique, as always!

picking a favorite child
i love ferns. they grow all around my house. i watch over them. i nurse them. i move them to safety when they are at risk from mowers or foot traffic. they are like my children. but i have a confession. i love one of my children just a little bit more than all the others. actually, it’s not even close. my favorite is maidenhair fern. sorry ostrich fern, bracken fern, wood fern, and my lovely polypodies. but i love your sister more.
maidenhair fern

a kind of bow
if i look at it the right way, i can just see in the pattern of these dried wild iris stems a sort of chaotic bow, tying up a white wrapped present that i’m about to open. as you read this, i will be opening up that present. and the gift inside will be my very first view of the city of reykjavik, after half a lifetime of thinking about it. happy life-list day to me.
over-wintered wild iris leaves and flower