on the cusp

on the cusp

i am sitting on the cusp. on the edge between summer and autumn. on the edge between busy and not. i can count the days on my fingers. it is exhilarating. the edges of things are always the most exciting. can you feel it too?

smoketree leaves in late august

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beetle’s eye view

beetle’s eye view

you could think about this photo in terms of the kind of symmetry that would cause these leaves to meet exactly at their edges in an almost impossibly perfect union. but after picking a bunch of beetle-chewed leaves this august,  i find myself, beetle-like, hungering for the little patches of green between the white veins of these zinnia leaves. like gnawing the tender meat of a pork rib from between the bones.

pink zinnia flower and leaf detail


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sun moon and stars

sun moon and stars

sunflower. crescent moon. languid yellow stars. my kind of cosmos.

wild ox-eye sunflowers (Heliopsis helianthoides)

  • Lynn Naslund says:

    Absolutely Beautiful – the simplicity and the cheery ambiance of this piece of art warms my heart and puts a smile on my face – thank you!!


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do you see ombré or a gradient?

do you see ombré or a gradient?

i’ll tell you what i see. i see a hand about to flash the “ok” sign by curling the index finger into the thumb. not a bad way to start a monday. everything is ok. by the way it’s ombré not a gradient. according to mary jo.

gradation of green on an unidentified shrubbery

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a portrait of the artist’s desk

a portrait of the artist’s desk.

this looks like a random collection but is is not quite random, because 1) it all happens to be in the same color palette (unplanned), and 2) these are the pieces that have accumulated on my desk for a few weeks as i have gathered in new finds, and raided my stock of inventory for posts and experiments and one extremely taxing and stressful instagram q&a for the stanford alumni feed. so, because they are pretty, and because they fit together tonally, and  because they were there tonight when i needed a subject, you get a portrait of the artist’s desk for you daily dose of STILL.

turtle shell, turtle skull, acorns, horsetail, walnut, hag stones. skeleton leaf, eggshell, bracket fungus, wasp nest, musk thistles, dried lily

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