that awkward age
these fiddleheads are no longer babies and not yet adults. they certainly look like teenagers, half gangly, half graceful, slightly self-conscious, and entirely clueless.
adolescent fiddlehead ferns

move over kyoto
i bet we have as many crabapple blossoms in minnesota as japan has cherry blossoms. we were simply a little bit more careless about how and where our pink, spring explosions were planted…
apple blossoms

a framed portrait
hello spring. thanks for spending some time in my portrait studio. i believe i caught your good side this morning. you can relax now.
assorted new leaves of spring

the bulb is planted, may there be blossoms
many of you read STILL with your morning tea or coffee. if you are one of those, you will be reading this about the time my husband, steve, and i are landing in nyc for a three day weekend. steve is a nominee for two james beard awards, and the awards ceremony is tonight…please cross fingers and any other appendages around 7:00 eastern daylight time.
The crocus is triumphant!
May your husband be also!reply

one final sweep
i rented out my house today for a photo shoot with a local company (louise gray) that makes stunning modern quilts. in preparation for the shoot, i had to do some (okay a lot of) tidying up. so, this photo is a composition of the very last remnants of studio detritus before i made a final clean sweep. spring has now, officially, been made way for.