memorize your lines

memorize your lines.

this is the famous asemic soliloquy, handed down by whatever the wildlife equivalent is of william shakespeare, that contemplates  the question of suicide from all sides, and concludes that thinking too much gets in the way of action. thank you, nature-hamlet. i really would prefer to live another day.

nature bits arranged as asemic writing

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remember gym class? first you do the burpee station, and the phys ed teacher, in the baseball cap with the whistle around his neck, says, “rotate!” and then you go to the pull-up station, and after that the sit-up station. and then the squats station. rotate! time for sprints!

crabapple bark

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the seasonal wheel

the seasonal wheel

the seasonal wheel just turned in our back yard. one day orange yellow and russet. one night of wind and rain. and the next day a lot more gray.

assemblage of found nature bits

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coming out

coming out

this is a few days late for national coming out day, but i’m here to say, this is a place, this is a house, this is a family, this is a person, where it’s safe to come out, to be out, to be whatever color you choose, or whatever color you need to be, including the whole damn rainbow. welcome. love is here, waiting, if you need it.

collection of colorful fall leaves

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fig season

fig season

this is leaf season. leaf season comes around once a year. just like fig season in the mediterranean. at the beginning of fig season everyone is excited–talking about fig clafoutis, and figs with goat cheese and honey, and making fig jam. by week three, we are all still eating figs, but the enthusiasm is waning. we wait for the over-ripe figs on the tree that ripen themselves into sweet jam. by week five, the figs are falling off trees and rotting in the streets. and then it is over. to be looked forward to for another 11 months. we’ve come to appreciate and love this embrace of seasonality. and so, i will be making the most of leaf season for another week or so, and then a hard rain will knock all the remaining leaves from the trees, and just like that, it will be some other season. untill 11 months from now. by which point we will thirst for turning leaves, and welcome them back as if we had never seen a brilliant crown of maple leaves in our entire lives.

plane tree leaves 

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