the language of hitchhikers

the language of hitchhikers

these burrs are known as hitchhikers because they thumb a ride on your socks, pants, sweater, and hair, and get dropped off somewhere far away. as part of my asemic writing experiment, i decided to invent a language for them. this paragraph says tulum or bust.

virginia stickseed, Hackelia virginiana

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i feel you

two inches of snow on the ground. october 21. trying to find my inner blossom, among all my dried and dispirited stems and leaves.

late october field thistle

  • Mejan says:

    I am totally in love with your blog, it’s mesmerizing, to look at all the creations gives me total peace.

    • Thank you so much Mejan! Your kind words mean the world to me


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— + “` ~~  ==== “

— + “` ~~  ==== ”

i hope you are prepared for a new, non-vegetable experiment. i have been fascinated for a long time with asemic writing (markings that resemble alphabets and language but do not create explicit words or meaning). i feel this one is a conversation between occident and orient. i feel they are getting along well here. wishing for more of the same in the real world.

mediterranean wild thyme

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black hole sun

black hole sun

my son, who has decided that grunge music is one of the few acceptable musical styles of my unfashionable era, took a look at this photo, and said, “black hole sun.” i said, “cool title.” he said, “not a title, a song by soundgarden.” just because i lived through the grunge era does not mean i am an expert. anyway, i have now listened to “black hole sun,” by soundgarden, having been educated about my own history by my seventeen year old. so it goes.

lily of the valley leaves

  • Charo Martínez says:

    Qué casualidad Mary Jo!, en unas semanas voy a hacer una exposición de fotografía sobre escritura asémica, me fascina este tema desde que entendí que mi hermano Miguel con síndrome de Dawn escribió durante años con una escritura extraña, personal, creativa y preciosa pero sin significado alguno, al menos para nosotro, era realmente una bella escritura asémica. Estoy feliz por esta casualidad y te doy mi enhorabuena por la belleza de tus fotos, como siempre


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love letter

love letter

just a letter to say i love you all. asemically.

dried grass

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