the collector’s table

the collector’s table

every now and then i have to do a clean sweep, and clear my desk for a fresh start. and on those days, it has become a tradition to do a simple assemblage of the current flotsam and jetsam that has accumulated over the past season. the only difference is that today i had the keen and demanding eye of my 22 year old daughter eva to help me compose. thank you, sweetie.


  • Ginny says:

    A beautiful arrangement of flotsam and jetsam, which, btw, I looked up to see if the definition in my head was accurate (it was not and I was suprised). As a result of following STILL I have looked up more words than you can imagine. Thank you!


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snow in november

snow in november

a blanket of it is coming this week. so i decided to make snowflakes out of the autumn forest floor, while it’s still visible. see you next year…

assemblage of found nature

  • Carol says:

    Gorgeous wrapping paper ‼️


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these are some pretty water beads on cattail leaves. or if you prefer to think of it another way . . . materials with a special affinity for water — those it spreads across, maximizing contact — are known as hydrophilic. those that naturally repel water, causing droplets to form, are known as hydrophobic. both classes of materials can have a significant impact on the performance of power plants, electronics, airplane wings and desalination plants, among other technologies. you can pick one or the other.

cattail leaves

  • Heather H. says:

    whoa! this was a bold, delightful surprise. i love it.


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it was a big day in america. i was a bit distracted all day. all i had in me was this swoop of a leaf, feeling itself, feeling a return of something that has been missing for a while, something like optimism.

prairie tall grass leaf

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scribbled notes to the end of a season

scribbled notes to the end of a season

today it reached 78 degrees in minnesota. this is usually the beginning of winter, but it looks a lot like summer. what do you call a season that is neither the season it should be, nor the season it looks like? i suppose you call it annus horribilus 2020. may it soon die a horrible death, and give birth to a regenerative 2021.

dried botanicals

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