this too is goldenrod

this too is goldenrod

ubiquitous in september. goldenrod paints our roadsides and open spaces golden for one glorious month every year. most of us never think twice about goldenrod, except during the month of september. but this too is goldenrod. tall. proud. complex. dry. adding texture to the winter landscape. still itself.

goldenrod with winter frost 

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foxtails? pussytoes?

foxtails? pussytoes?

i believe these are some variation on foxtail. but how easy is it to attribute animal characteristics to plants? foxtail. pussytoes. cat’s feet. rabbit tails. owl ears. doormice. what else do these look like?

dried foxtail stems

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new life in midwinter

new life in a long winter

we interrupt your regularly scheduled january photos of stems and sticks, to bring you a little tropical diversion from my indoor monstera plant. it wants me to talk about new growth, new beginnings, and pushing on under difficult situations. but instead, i’ll just let you enjoy the delicacy of this tender unfurling.

monstera plant

  • Carol says:

    Love a new born


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on community

on community

have you ever had a conversation with a friend, where one comment sets your life in a whole new direction? today, i visited the creative studio of a friend i hadn’t seen in 9 months because of COVID. we talked for 3 ½ hours. it felt so good to be sharing creative ideas again. while she didn’t say any one thing that is going to change my life, the conversation itself made crystal clear to me my need for creative community. a creative life is often very solitary. we spend a lot of time with our own ideas. in our own heads. today i realized the importance of bouncing those ideas off a supporter. not just a cheerleader–but rather a critical, informed, and challenging supporter. the gentlest of suggestions can throw open worlds of possibility. thank you martha, for your generous and creative support.

frosted winter prairie

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11 headed alien

11 headed alien

we’ve had several days of rime ice covering every tree in sight. one of those things, like clear skating ice on the lake, you have to drop everything to enjoy. enjoy.

rime ice on winter wildflower stem

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