in my own orbit

in my own orbit

today is thanksgiving, which exists in calendar-time, and which we will celebrate. but i find i run increasingly on a different time plane. i think of it as STILL time. it is something both daily and seasonal. weekends do not exist in STILL time. nor really do holidays. nor does home, since home is whatever the nature around me happens to offer up, wherever on earth that happens to be. maybe that’s my new definition of happiness. when home is always the place i find myself. home is here. home is now. home is what i notice around me. home is what i feel inspired to make art out of. which, if i do this thing right, could be anywhere on earth. happy thanksgiving.


  • Carol says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and thank you all for making my day brighter.


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put an egg on it

put an egg on it

there are some principles you just don’t mess with. women and children first. don’t overcook a steak. make em laugh, make em cry, make em think. don’t post your latte foam on instagram. i before e except after c. when in doubt, put an egg on it. and if you really need a composition to work, arrange it in a circle. never fails.

nigella (devil-in-a-bush or love-in-a-mist)

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imagine your are asked to go for a 20 minutes walk, and collect the widest array of natural textures you can find. interesting, right? usually we pick our subjects by sight. sometimes we even see the texture, assume we know what it feels like, and never fully explore it once in hand. these three wildly varied textures happened to snuggle up together on my specimen table recently. it’s got me thinking about the haptic. what if i went out to find a collection of subjects with my eyes closed? i’m excited by the composition i might create. it’s winter here now, with a few inches of snow cover. i may hold onto this idea until our forest floor is a little warmer, and amenable for sorting and sifting. but i am intrigues by this idea of a series of haptic compositions.


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a window onto

a window onto

i have been thinking of all my circle compositions as symbolism for a desire for unity and wholeness. and yet today, i make yet another another circle, and upon reflection, it feels more like wormhole. a window onto another dimension. i guess my mood is more erratic than i want to admit.

winter twigs tips

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this plant is known by two common names: devil-in-a-bush and love-in-a-mist. the yin and yang of human nature. i will always choose love, but i know that the devil spices things up.


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