one of my favorite garden things
any time of yearreply -
sorry i didn’t even read your description
it is lupinus seed podsreply

i have a few of these given to me by a friend in denmark
and i love them soreply

coils are so full of potential energy
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I have a thing for curlicues. This one is so elegant.
Very lovely. I remember calling it ‘money plant’ when I was young. I never knew its proper name.
not sure this actually is lunaria
i have lunaria in my backyard garden and it doesn’t have this shape or size of “coins”. It could be another relative in the mustard family.
Margie, you are right. It is hoary alyssum. All I needed was “mustard family” to get to the right source. Thanks again!
Absolutely beautiful.! I know it as ‘Silver Dollars’.